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Flamefast Case Study

Vision CO2 Monitor
Power Supply

•    Schools & Colleges
•    Early Learning Centers
•    Offices

•    Monitor Air Flow to Improve Ventilation
•    Records Temperature, Humidity & Gas Levels
•    Reduce the Risk of Airbone Transmission (COVID-19)

The Challenge
Flamefast contacted TT Electronics with a high volume, time critical project to install their carbon dioxide monitors in schools, offices, and other populated indoor spaces to help reduce the spread of Covid-19. Initially over 50,000 power supplies were needed within 12-16 weeks to be installed in schools, in time for the start of the upcoming term. TT Electronics were selected as a partner for this project as we had previously supplied Flamefast with a reliable yet cost efficient power supply unit.

The Solution
We designed a solution without effecting existing safety approvals of the power supply which saved considerable engineering time and cost, enabling accelerated speed to market and confidence in the solution. TT Electronics supply a “modified standard” 5VDC Plugtop Adapter with bespoke output cables. Backed by our engineering & design support, we are able to offer a highly reliable power supply solution for a competitive price.

“We had previously taken other power supplies from TT Electronics, so made contact as we were struggling to find something on the open market to suit our requirements, and they could not have been more accommodating. As the monitors needed to be ‘easy to deploy’, we required a 2m cable whereas most of the available product are 1m or less. Not only were TT Electronics able to supply this, they were also able to provide this as a custom packaged solutions, as well as putting forward various sized mains adapters to allow the packaging for the Vision CO2 Monitors to be as compact as possible, in turn reducing assembly time and transport costs.”

Andrew Green – General Manager, Flamefast Gas Safety

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